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In this week’s matchup against The Broke Penguins… I mean Killer Pandas… The Drunk Vikings went all out the first period, led by Captain, and head Viking, “Sigve Can’t-Stop Klepsvik”. Unfortunately, in a Panda charging incident, the Vikings were penalized for getting attacked and the Killer Pandas went on the powerplay. The refs must have been daydreaming about the delicious Tsingtao beer they would have after the game. After a loud exchange of profanities, Vikings managed to cool down and stay focused, killed the penalty and holding the 0-0 tie until next period. Again the intoxicated Vikings started out strong, skating all over the place, but for some reason couldn’t find the back of the net against The Wall of The Rising Sun, also known as Shin. A big quarrel occurred in front of the KP net, where Darryl “AngryMcMuffinFace” Slaney had a tantrum on a scale that’s never been seen before in SHC. With no score heading into the 3rd period, the refs decided to put their glasses on, and give the “Funk Vikings” a shot at PP. It didn’t take long before Stu “Put-It-In-The-FiveHole” Chan… put it in the five hole for the first goal of the night. Unfortunately, in the dying seconds of the game, KP managed to sneak one past Goalie Grey… Further delaying the refs from drinking their beer. After a dry üvertoime, the game went to a shootout, where Mr. “Shoot-it-Between-the-legs” Chan yet again… Shot it between the legs of the rising sun, winning it for the Vikings! When asked about the win, head Viking Klepsvik said, “Let that be a warning to everyone. When Chan’s around… Keep your legs closed.”

Three periods of regulation play couldn’t decide the Ducks/Puckhounds matchup in a critical playoff positioning game. The back and forth matchup was penalty marred and ugly with both keepers being the best penalty killer for their respective team.
The Puckhounds thought they were about to take the lead in the second period on a strong tick tack toe play from Dodd to McKelvey to Byrne when an errant defensemen’s skate blocked the open goal at the last second. Just when momentum looked to be on the Puckhounds side, Owe Mars took a hard turn and went down during a Ducks rush. The Ducks started a strong push attempting to grind down the three remaining defensemen. Puckhound goal tender Jackie stood up to the test and the game ended regulation at a 0-0 tie with the sold out crowd chanting JA-CKIE…JA-CKIE.
Overtime started with the back half of a Puckhound power play and 4 on 3 hockey. Duck goalie Shin was on his game holding the pressing Puckhounds out but the constant buzz in the zone created another Duck penalty. Puckhound captain Jason laid out the key strategy on the ensuing face off telling forward Brian Byrne to head to his office in front of the net. After a face off win and some strong movement around the zone a big rebound laid to the side of the net where Brian banged the puck home. Puckhounds taking down the Ducks 1-0 in an impressive overtime victory.
In Injury notes:
The local hospital diagnosed Owe’s injury as a fractured hip and a fatty liver.
在季后赛排位非常重要的对决中,Ducks 和 Puckhounds没法在常规时间里面分出高下。整场比赛被无休止的犯规破坏了球赛的节奏。双方门将俨如最佳的小罚杀手。
在第二节,Puckhounds在Dodd,McKelvey和Byrne纯熟的小组渗入下,差点取得入球。可惜被对方防守球员的冰刀无意识地挡出必进的空门。正当Puckhounds渐渐取得比赛的主导权时,防守球员Owe Mars在一次Ducks的冲击中不幸受伤。然后,Ducks吹起了全力反攻的集结号,务求把Puckhounds仅余的3位防守队员的体力消耗殆尽。最后,伟大的守门员Jackie挺身而出,屡救险球,直至常规时间结束0-0。场边满座的观众都高呼了守门员的名字”Ja-ckie…Ja-ckie”。
进入加时阶段,转接发生于Puckhounds在4打3的优势中。Ducks守门员稳健的表现,原来可以抵住Puckhounds进攻的压力。在源源不绝的施压下,Ducks再一次被判罚。在Puckhounds队长Jason在一次精心的部署下的争球,命令Brian Byrne必须潜在对方球门前。在赢得争球后,进攻区域里的人员涌动,突然一个反弹球出现在网侧,Brian没有浪费机会,一拍入网。最后,Puckhounds拿下Ducks,1-0 取得令人难忘的胜利。
经过医院的详细检查,Owe 被诊断出髋骨有裂缝和有脂肪肝。

Mans gets the shutout. Dogs thrash an undermanned dirty blues squad and pad some stats in a role reversal of classic blues fashion, 9-0.”
Efter ännu en enastående prestation av Bulldogs, där Måns ännu en gång håller nollan genom sitt briljanta målvaktsspel mellan stolparna. Gjorde det möjligt för de fruktade Dogs att hänsynslöst krossa ett underbemannat Dirty Blues i ett blodbad utan dess like. Vilket nu öppnar möjligheten för dem att avancera uppåt i ställningen och samtidigt trycka ner Blues till en tredje plats där dom hör hemma. Matchen slutade 9-0.