The Fu Dogs / Ducks matchup was a battle for third place. After the Fu Dogs started the season a dismal 0-4, regularly getting man handled, they have been steadily moving up the standings and starting to play like contenders.The Ducks got out to an early lead behind Shindy Nakatake’s first period goal. However, not even Gordon Bombay trickery could help the Ducks keep pace this night. The Fu Dogs responded with five straight goals in a balanced attack with contributions coming from up and down the roster. Magnan, Masa, Ferron, Campbell, Longstreet all scoring. Captain Kentaro added a late goal for the Ducks but the Fu Dogs still came away with an impressive victory to move past the Ducks and claim third place.
The Fu Dogs / Ducks matchup was a battle for third place. After the Fu Dogs started the season a dismal 0-4, regularly getting man handled, they have been steadily moving up the standings and starting to play like contenders.
The Ducks got out to an early lead behind Shindy Nakatake’s first period goal. However, not even Gordon Bombay trickery could help the Ducks keep pace this night. The Fu Dogs responded with five straight goals in a balanced attack with contributions coming from up and down the roster. Magnan, Masa, Ferron, Campbell, Longstreet all scoring. Captain Kentaro added a late goal for the Ducks but the Fu Dogs still came away with an impressive victory to move past the Ducks and claim third place.
The Fu Dogs / Ducks matchup was a battle for third place. After the Fu Dogs started the season a dismal 0-4, regularly getting man handled, they have been steadily moving up the standings and starting to play like contenders.
The Ducks got out to an early lead behind Shindy Nakatake’s first period goal. However, not even Gordon Bombay trickery could help the Ducks keep pace this night. The Fu Dogs responded with five straight goals in a balanced attack with contributions coming from up and down the roster. Magnan, Masa, Ferron, Campbell, Longstreet all scoring. Captain Kentaro added a late goal for the Ducks but the Fu Dogs still came away with an impressive victory to move past the Ducks and claim third place.
上周,Fu Dogs 跟 Ducks 两只冰球队打响了第三名争夺战。这个赛季,Fu Dogs 出师不利,前四局都失败告终,但是之后,整支队伍团结合作,排名稳步前进。上周,Ducks队的Shindy先进一球,为鸭子队赢得先机。但是,连Gordon的娴熟技巧都没能帮助Ducks队继续保持他们领先的优势。Fu Dogs队气势恢宏,连进5球。进球的队员包括Magnan, Masa, Ferron, Campbell 跟Longstreet. 虽然Ducks队的队长Kentaro之后又打进一球,但Fu Dogs队以绝对的比分优势摘得第三的桂冠。
Dirty Blues and Pandas game was held on Saturday. Pandas without Rhinorhoades, Horsecock Thorsten and Babymachine Slanedawg had a huge disadvantage. Our reporter talked to Pandas defenseman Shane Anderson before the game about this issue. “Yeah, fuck, it’s a big problem. We need a full team to kick some ass. But I just got a BJ before leaving home so I’m all good”, Shane noted. Considering Dirty Blues had a full team except Defensmen Cole (who thought he’s a Spider-Man and tried to jump from his balcony and seriously sprayed his ankle) and JK, who was substituted by Barista from Tigers. Final score was 5:1 for DBs – led by the first line with Danny-2 goals, Mike-2 goals and Jan-1. Our reporter asked DBs striker Danny for his summary about the game: “Good game”, stated Danny. And Jan added: “All teams are getting ready for the playoffs. Remaining games are are preparations for playoffs. Pandas were missing key guys today but showed some good heart and were tough team to beat. I expect all games will be 1 or 2 goal difference games from now on. It’s time to get ready for some good hockey.”
肮脏蓝调队和熊猫队的比赛在星期六晚准时举行。熊猫队主力队员Rhinorhoades、 Horsecock、Thorsten和Babymachine Slanedawg均缺席了这场比赛。我们的记者在赛前关于此大劣势对熊猫队防守队员Shawn Andersen进行了采访。后者的回答:“是啊,他妈的,这是一个大问题。我们需要一个完整的队伍才能取得胜利。但在我出门之前刚享受了一次美妙的KH,所以我觉得一切都好。”肮脏蓝调队除了后卫Cole之外,其他队员全都到场。(这里要特别指出,Cole是因为把自己想象成蜘蛛侠,并试图从他的阳台跳出去才‘意外’受伤缺席的)。蓝调队门将JK未到场,由老虎队门将Barista临临临临临时替补。最后得分是5:1 蓝调队胜——进攻主要由第一组完成,分别为Danny-2G、Mike-2G和Jan-1G。当我们让蓝调队前锋Danny对比赛作总结时,他的回答简单明朗:“这是一场很好的比赛”。作为队长的Jan感觉必须做出补充:“所有队伍都在为季后赛做准备。剩下的比赛是为季后赛做准备。今天熊猫缺少了关键队员,,但也展示了他们的决心。我预计本赛季剩余的比赛都将以1到2球的分差收场,比赛将越来越激烈,越来越精彩。”

The 10:15 game on Saturday pitted the B divisions first place team, APL, against the last place team, Puckhounds. If you had been in the Puckhound locker room prior to the opening face off you wouldn’t have heard the most inspiring words but something occurred between lacing up the skates and all the sarcastic remarks in the room. APL scored first on a 2-on-1 breakway after Jackie made a great save Brennan stuffed in the rebound. The puckhounds tied the game at 1-1 with a redirect goal by Dodd in the second. It could have gone in directly but he was still rusty from a week off and buzzing start. From there the game was a back and forth battle highlighted by clutch saves at both ends of the ice. Overtime had an exciting finish with breakaway opportunities kicked aside by both Jackie and Casey. The game eventually went to a shootout, Brennan put in a shot, McKevly answered, then both goal tenders made huge saves before Yuzo put the game on ice. The Puckhounds won their second straight, 2-1, in shootout fashion.